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Dr. Mills has over 30 years experience providing analytical, research, and consulting services to the World Agriculture community. An expert in the area of plant and soil science, Dr. Mills has lectured, conducted research, and assisted growers in solving production problems for over four decades. Dr. Mills established MMI in 1988 to provide state of the art analytical service, research, pesticide analysis, plant pathology, and consulting for growers and companies servicing the agricultural community. A lifetime commitment to problem solving research has resulted in over ninety refereed scientific articles that have advanced cultural information in the areas of media development, hydroponics, greenhouse and field production problems, soil and plant nutrition, chemical effects on microbes, and new product development. Many of the sufficiency ranges utilized by growers and other laboratories conducting plant analysis was developed by Dr. Mills and published in the “Plant Analysis Handbook II”. Serving as Executive Editor of two international journals, “Communication In Soil Science and Plant Analysis” and, “Journal of Plant Nutrition” allows for the more recent scientific advancements in plant and soil science to be incorporated into MMI’s laboratory analysis as well as helping clients with cutting edge production practices and problem solving solutions. More detailed information about Dr. Mills’s professional activity can be obtained by clicking on Mills bio. Hobbies include racquetball and travel.
© 2003 Micro Macro International, Inc.
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